Confined Spaces Interactive

Course Overview
A confined space is any place, including any chamber, tank, vat, pit, pipe well or other similar place in which, by virtue of its enclosed nature, there arises a reasonably foreseeable unspecified risk. This course will help you identify the key dangers and risks of a confined space.
Course Overview
At the end of the course, trainees will be able to:
- Define a confined space
- State the legal requirements
- Identify the key dangers and risks
- Take appropriate action to promote safe working in confined spaces
- Implement adequate and suitable emergency procedures before working in confined spaces.
Course chapters
- 1. An introduction to confined spaces
- Learn how to identify confined spaces including the dangers and how to assess the risks when they are identified
- 2. Safe working in confined spaces
- Safe systems of work, testing the air, gas purging and other communication
- 3. Emergency Procedures
- Discover all about rescue and resuscitation equipment, emergency arrangements and working with emergency services
Who will it benefit?
This course will benefit those who work within confined spaces and want to take appropriate action to promote safe working in confined spaces.
How it works?
First aid in the workplace for managers is delivered online as an interactive course to each trainee on their computers, or portable device at any internet enabled location. The interactive course is engaging, informative and exciting to use.
Users will receive informative advice and guidance and will be tested on their understanding of the subject at the end of the course by completing the compulsory self-test.
This course also features a risk checklist which asks the user a series of questions relating to their current working environment.
Running Time: 25-30 minutes
Technical Information
- Internet Access:
- Users will need a computer or apple device with a web browser and an internet connection to access Knight Learning e-Learning Solutions.
- Minimum Recommended Bandwidth:
- 2Mbs
- Software:
- One of the following web-browsers, latest versions as maintained and supported by the manufacturer:
- Windows:
- Internet Explorer
- Edge
- Google Chrome
- Firefox
- OS X:
- Google Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
- IOS:
- Safari
- Google Chrome
- Android:
- Latest versions as maintained and
supported by the manufacturer - Google Chrome
- Latest versions as maintained and
- Additional Software:
- Adobe Reader or Reader DC (for viewing of PDF documents
downloadable from the solution where applicable) - Plug-ins:
- Flash player: Version as recommended by Adobe
- Settings:
- Enable JavaScript
- Allow cookies
- Hardware:
- Processor: 600MHz
- Minimum Hard Disk Space Required: 1GB
- RAM: OS Dependent
- Audio:
- The courses contain audio, system requirements for running
the courses are browser dependent. Where no enabled audio
device is detected and the browser defines that this is required
the user will be informed via an error message window upon
launching the course.
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